NoGoalFaces is a collection of 512 randomly generated dumb face NFTs, upgradable with useless NoGoalTokens that are tradable on the NoGoalDEX.
<b>NoGoalFaces</b> NoGoalFaces is a collection of 512 randomly generated dumb face NFTs. Their metadata is permanently stored on Arweave and is Metaplex compatible. Each face (512x512 pixels) is the combination of 11 layers and 70+ attributes, for a total possibility of over 20 million unique faces! All attributes have rarity levels: Common (default attribute), Uncommon (20% chance), Rare (10%), Epic (4%) and Legendary (1%).
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<b>NoGoalToken</b> Previously I(have)NO(goal), the NoGoalToken $INO is aj SPL token that will enable NoGoalFaces NFT holders to upgrade their faces' attributes. The memetoken was AirDropped to 22,785 unique addresses across the world, mostly without any token holding requirements, making it one of the largest and most equitable Solana AirDrops yet!
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<b>NoGoalDEX</b> NoGoalDEX is a Serum-based DEX that allows for the trading of $INO tokens and numerous meme tokens. As part of the token distribution, $INO holders get 100% of their Serum fees instantly reimbursed in $INO when they trade on the DEX.
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