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MetaSOL allows meta transactions on the Solana network.

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To transfer assets on the Solana network, users must hold SOL. While some users might carry a sufficient amount of SOL, the same cannot always be said for new users. Obtaining SOL can be an arduous process due to the need for centralized exchange, andmsome users may not want to hold SOL at all due to its volatile nature.

MetaSOL was conceived during the Solana Wormhole Hackathon. As a smaller version of SolGSN, it will support meta transactions for SPL tokens. This protocol will allow users to send any SPL token without having SOL in their wallets. The transaction fee will be deducted from the same SPL token, and the protocol will be fully non-custodial.

This has been achieved using a Solana Program which utilzes cross-program invocation to send SPL tokens to the receiver.

11 мая 2021 г.
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