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yiToken is a decentralized multi-chain cryptocurrency and NFT wallet which supports chains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, BSC, Heco, OKExChain, Polygon, Solana.

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yiToken is a decentralized multi-chain cryptocurrency and NFT wallet which is designed to allow users to manage digital encrypted assets easily and enjoy the blockchain world. yiToken supports mainstream public chains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, BSC, Heco, OKExChain, Polygon, Solana and their token assets. Hundreds of DApps such as BSC, Heco, OK, NFT, etc. have been launched on yiToken’s DApp zone, covering many application scenarios such as DeFi, Dex, NFT, games, mining, and data, leading users to experience the latest DApps.

5 авг. 2021 г.
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